Age Like Fine Wine

Lee AnnWellness Coaching7 Comments

By Lee Ann Foster, MS

Human beings are amazing – at all ages. When we are young we explore, learn, and create. As we age we share the wisdom we have gathered through the years with the younger generations to make this an even more beautiful world.

We are meant to age like fine wine, not be disabled by chronic diseases as we grow older. Lifestyle habits created by profit driven industries catering to convenience hungry Americans have made our population among the sickest in the modern world. If chronic disease continues to grow at its current rate, our country will be bankrupt by the unnatural diseases of the older generations. This should not be the case!

The good news is that you can take your life back from the clutches of many chronic diseases and premature aging by getting your lifestyle optimized – getting it tailored to your unique genetic blueprint and your unique life experiences.

We have to learn to live right to prevent or reverse chronic disease. What does it mean to live right? Well, it does not mean following a guru who claims he or she has the only right way for everyone on the planet to eat, exercise, or manage stress.

Each human being is a unique creation. Yes, we share many similarities. But even identical twins who share the same DNA end up expressing their genes differently – experiencing different health strengths and challenges, and needing different lifestyle adjustments to optimize their well-being.

So, how does one know what lifestyle options are optimal for them?

The most efficient way is to work with a coach trained in epigenetic lifestyle optimization. You can get a DNA report online, but that does not give you all the information you need to optimize your lifestyle.

Just having a gene does not necessarily mean that gene is expressing. And conversely, not having a gene doesn’t mean you are not, in fact, dealing with some of the challenges that gene presents.

For example, there are a number of genes that impact whether you have enough GABA, the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter that calms the nervous system and in turn helps with sleep, mood and cognitive function.

When one has certain variants of these genes, they experience anxiety, insomnia, heightened pain, mood dysregulation and brain fog.

However, even if someone does NOT have these gene variants but they experienced trauma as a child, their body can still express as if they DO have these troublesome genetic variants. This is what is known as epigenetic changes. Trauma of many types can change the expression of genes, and it can do so for multiple generations.

So, while I am reviewing genetic reports, I cannot just look at someone’s genes and get an accurate picture of what they are experiencing. I must interview the person and get a history, look at medical labs, and most importantly, understand what they are experiencing in their life and what kinds of lifestyle habits they have. Only when I put all these puzzle pieces together can I get a good understanding of the person and then figure out what lifestyle choices might be best for them.

There are some relatively simple lifestyle adjustments we can make to help the body overcome these GAD gene issues, but if one just looked at a genetic report alone, they could easily miss this very important piece of the wellness pie.

It’s good to have someone trained to look at genetics and wellness through a system’s-based paradigm that is focused on optimizing health and wellness.

As a psychologist and an Apeiron trained epigenetic coach, I look at a person’s history – both emotional and physical – their breathing habits, nervous system balance, mindset, expectations, diet, exercise, environment, sleep, and relationships. For some I look at their brain maps.

Together with my clients, we address all issues that need to be considered to create a lifestyle plan that is sustainable, enjoyable, and effective at helping them become the healthiest, happiest version of themselves.  We help them age well so they can share their wisdom and energy with the planet as long as possible.

If you are interested in learning more about epigenetic coaching and what it would be like to work with us at NeuroSource, give us a call for a free consultation. (901) 624-0100. Or visit our website at and review our offerings.


Lee Ann Foster, MS. Psychologist, Epigenetic Wellness Coach, HeartMath Coach, PsychK Facilitator, Neurofeedback Provider. Wife, Mother, Daughter, Friend. Survivor. Honored to help others learn to live their healthiest, happiest lives.

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