Tune Up Your Brain, Tune Up Your Life

Lee AnnNeurofeedback4 Comments

I got my first job as a teenager working in my grandfather’s garage. I started out washing the cars on his used car lot and worked my way up to helping the mechanics service customers’ cars and tune up their engines. Getting to drive the cars across the street from the used car lot to the wash rack and back was quite a thrill for me as a 14-year-old. But even more thrilling to me was gaining an understanding of how internal combustion engines worked, enabling cars to provide such wonderfully joyful transportation. I was especially struck by how looking … Read More

Top 5 Benefits of Neurofeedback

Lee AnnNeurofeedback19 Comments


My name is Michelle Gross and I am a neurofeedback technician at NeuroSource.  As I help people train their brains with neurofeedback, I get to see firsthand the benefits of this drug free, evidence- based brain training. The top 5 benefits I see are: Improved ability to control mood Increased focus and concentration Reduction in need for or even freedom from medication Better pain management Enhanced motivation to live a healthy lifestyle New clients often come in because they are experiencing symptoms such as poor focus and concentration, anxiety, fatigue, muscle tension and pain, as well as other brain or … Read More